22 Jun
2015 CLDP Participant Perspective

Mr. Edy Susanto
Administrative Tasks Head Section
Internal Compliance Center
Indonesian Customs

My favourite part of the program was the topic of Supply Chain Management/Security taught by Professor David Widdowson. I enjoyed this session because it opened my mind to think globally about logistics security issues, instead of just thinking and acting locally. This also enlightened me about the Customs role for industries (especially small/home industry) to compete on global trade.

Another example that I can implement in my unit is the individual development plans taught by Mr. Brent Juratowitch. This will assist us to move forward with a program that we are implementing now at Indonesian Customs. The Training Needs Analysis (TNA) program identifies officer’s needs for capacity building and training, and can also be used to determine a schedule and budget for a one year program.

The course also gave me a wider view on global trade and international customs best practices, as well the global policy direction on customs.

I work in the internal compliance unit, so I can pass this knowledge and understanding to the relevant units.