22 Jun
2015 WCO Council Sessions

The 125th/126th Annual Sessions of the World Customs Organization’s (WCO) Council took place in Brussels from 11 to 13 June 2015 under the guidance and direction of Chairperson Zouhair Chorfi, the Director General of the Moroccan Customs Administration, and with the participation of Directors General of Customs representing the 180 Members of the WCO. Professor David Widdowson attended the Sessions as an observer representing the INCU, together with Dr. Edward Kafeero from the University of Muenster, Germany and Ives Taelman from GEFCO.

Members of the Council recognized the critical role played by research, technical assistance, capacity building and training, the sharing of intelligence and information, as well as the need for coordinated international cooperation and effective trade management and enforcement tools leading to enhanced risk management, better coordinated border management, and more extensive connectivity with renewed emphasis on CBM. Further topics of discussion included the impact of e-commerce, Customs and private sector engagement, and security including API/PNR data.

See WCO website.