12 Dec
SARS Customs Officials Graduate

11 officials of the South African Revenue Service (SARS) were recently awarded University of Canberra Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Masters in International Customs Law & Administration at the sixth annual UC/CCES/SARS graduation ceremony held at the SARS Academy in Pretoria, South Africa.  Our Academic Director Greg Weppner represented CCES and the university at the event held on 3 December 2014.

The Commissioner of SARS Mr. Thomas Moyane made the keynote address where he congratulated the students on their achievement and praised the excellent partnership between CCES and SARS that had brought about this success. At the same time Mr Moyane challenged the students to now communicate their knowledge to their colleagues in the workplace and to become the future leaders and direction setters for their organisation. He made it clear to the graduates that he wanted this not be the end of their ‘education’ but rather just the beginning.

Greg Weppner took the opportunity to congratulate the graduates and noted that over the past six years over 100 SARS officials had graduated, including 30 with Masters Degrees and a further five officials with double Masters Degrees. He too challenged the graduating group to broaden their mindsets and to strive to communicate what they had learnt to others and reflected upon the strength of the friendship and partnership that had developed between SARS and CCES over time.

The testamur recipients were:

Graduate Certificate in International Customs Law and Administration

Wanda Kapp 

Postgraduate Diploma in International Customs Law and Administration 

Patricia Jones, Ndanganeni Coffet Lebepe and Leon Potgieter 

Master of International Customs Law & Administration 

Leon Potgieter, Willem Mathys, Petunia Pretty Zamashimane Angel Mgwedli, Parbhookumar Moodley, Mark Naiker, Ndivhaleni Baldwin Nditwani and Lusanne Fouche

Master of International Customs Law and Administration / Master of International Revenue Administration: 

 Mogentheran Ganes Reddy 

As the student representative Mark Naiker made an impressive speech on behalf of his colleagues and made thanks to SARS and CCES and particularly thanked the families of the students for their forbearance while the group studied part time.  Other Senior SARS officials present at the ceremony included Dr Randall Carolissen, Acting Executive (Learning and Development), Ms Gugulethu Africa, Executive (Learning and Development) and Ms Elizabeth Kumalo, Chief Officer (Human Resources).